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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Miracle Moments of Christmas


Thank you for reaching out to The Salvation Army. Due to a rapid response, we have currently filled all available spots for assistance, and are unable to accept new applications at this time.

We understand how challenging this may be, and our hearts are with you during this time. Please know that our commitment to supporting the community remains strong, and we are continually working to expand our reach. We encourage you to explore other local resources, and we hope to be able to assist you in the future.

We are pleased to be a part of community with you.

The Salvation Army’s Miracle Moments of Christmas is a heartwarming initiative that brings joy, hope, and transformative experiences to families in need during the holiday season. Through the Angel Tree program, children receive Christmas gifts of toys, food, and clothing, allowing families to experience the true spirit of Christmas. We are delighted to continue this tradition of support to families who have previously participated, and you will receive details about this year’s enrollment through the contact information you've provided.

This year, we are expanding our reach by partnering with community agencies to ensure more families can share in these Miracle Moments. Should additional spaces become available for the general public, we will share the enrollment details on our website and social media platforms.

Together, through the generosity of our community, we can make this holiday season special for those who need it most, ensuring that every child experiences the magic of Christmas​​​.

Moman Mirak Lame Sali a nan Nwèl la se yon inisyativ kè kontan ki pote lajwa, espwa, ak eksperyans transfòmasyon bay fanmi yo ki bezwen pandan sezon fèt la. Atravè pwogram Pyebwa zanj lan, timoun yo resevwa don Nwèl jwèt, manje, ak rad, sa ki pèmèt fanmi yo fè eksperyans vrè lespri Nwèl la. Nou kontan kontinye tradisyon sa a nan sipò pou fanmi ki te deja patisipe, epi ou pral resevwa detay sou enskripsyon ane sa a nan enfòmasyon kontak ou te bay la.

Ane sa a, nou ap agrandi rive nan patenye ak ajans kominotè yo pou asire plis fanmi ka patisipe nan moman mirak sa yo. Ta dwe gen espas adisyonèl vin disponib pou piblik la an jeneral, nou pral pataje detay yo enskripsyon sou sit entènèt nou an ak tribin medya sosyal.

Ansanm, atravè jenewozite kominote nou an, nou ka fè sezon fèt sa a espesyal pou moun ki bezwen li pi plis, asire ke chak timoun fè eksperyans majik la nan Nwèl la.

Los Momentos Milagrosos de la Navidad del Ejército de Salvación son una iniciativa conmovedora que brinda alegría, esperanza y experiencias transformadoras a las familias necesitadas durante la temporada navideña. A través del programa Angel Tree, los niños reciben regalos de Navidad de juguetes, comida y ropa, lo que permite a las familias experimentar el verdadero espíritu de la Navidad. Estamos encantados de continuar con esta tradición de apoyo a las familias que han participado anteriormente, y recibirá detalles sobre la inscripción de este año a través de la información de contacto que ha proporcionado.

Este año, estamos ampliando nuestro alcance al asociarnos con agencias comunitarias para garantizar que más familias puedan compartir estos Momentos Milagrosos. En caso de que haya espacios adicionales disponibles para el público en general, compartiremos los detalles de inscripción en nuestro sitio web y plataformas de redes sociales.

Juntos, a través de la generosidad de nuestra comunidad, podemos hacer que esta temporada navideña sea especial para aquellos que más lo necesitan, asegurándonos de que cada niño experimente la magia de la Navidad.